Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Anniversaries are generally a time of reflection, recognition and celebration of growth; however, Charleston Waterkeeper chooses to observe their one-year anniversary a bit differently. Last Wednesday, September 16, 2009, Charleston Waterkeeper launched their Water the Future (WTF) campaign: an invitation to every citizen in the tri-county area to celebrate the importance of our waterways while standing together to see that they are protected.

"The past 12 months have been a soft introduction to the organization and while we have made a great deal of progress, there is still so much that needs to be done, so many people, we need to reach," explains Cyrus Buffum, Executive Director of Charleston Waterkeeper, " When you find out that 100% of our waterways are considered impaired by various forms of pollution, it makes you think 'WTF Charleston'?"

The public is encourage to Water the Future in three different ways:

1. Share photographs of our waterways - the good, the bad and the ugly. In order to stand to protect our waterways, it is first essential for the community to see the two faces of our waterways: the beautiful and the impaired. Submit entries to wtf@charlestonwaterkeeper.org.

2. Join Charleston Waterkeeper by becoming a member. The stronger the community working to improve the quality of our waterways, the greater the impact will be.

3. Spread the word. Water is the common thread that links every individual together throughout our diverse commumities. It is essential that we preserve and protect the quality of our waterways for this generation and for future generations to enjoy.

For more information about sponsorship, membership and becoming involved, visit www.charlestonwaterkeeper.org.